Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Silver Lining

As for the theory: Looking back at what happened last year between Pittsburgh and New England, one can reasonably conclude that the team that loses a game will learn more about themselves and their opponents than the team that wins that game. So IF the Steelers can beat Cincy next week and make it into the playoffs, they will be better equipped to beat Indianapolis than they would be if they had won on Monday night. As painful as it may have been to watch, it's the only way they'll be able to win in the postseason. Maybe Cowher's suicidally risky onsides kick was his way of inconspicuously but intentionally throwing the game to that end...but I won't claim to share in the genius of the man, or his chin.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Phoenix Rising

Here's a photo, recently taken and photoshopped of Stereo Agency, which I really like. When we finally get on the ball and get the frickin' website rolling again that will likely be on it somewhere.

Incidentally, today is not cooperating. Big loss to the Colts last night--there's a "silver lining" theory involved there that I may elaborate on later. More importantly, I have been "bumped up" to my own office, which means I don't get to use this snazzy computer anymore, instead I get what is supposed to be a snazzy computer but is really the biggest electronic prostitute I've ever seen. Just came back from the shop and had 431 spyware programs and two viruses removed. And it's still not cooperating. In fact, it's even worse than it was before. Now it sometimes even shuts down on its own, without provocation. I'm taking its ass back to the freakin' shop. Unbelievable.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Well it the battle's finally over.

9:39 AM

But the wounds remain and they all hurt like bitches. This will happen when I use certain muscles only once a year and pull crazy stunts like that diving tackle that missed and bent my body in nasty ways. But the Turkey Bowl was good fun, Destro head-butted a couple of O-linemen and Dr. Mindbender called some quality audibles. G.I. Joe's end-arounds and flea-flickers confounded us at first, but we quickly neutralized them and laid down some smack with some B.S. of our own, but mostly brute force and battering rams. Like we do. Anyways it ended in a tie, 49-49. So we retreat into the darkness to lick our wounds and plan the next attack, when certainly we will emerge victorious. Cobraaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Enter the Terrordrome

How do you drive this thing?

Oh well. Maybe something will break later. If not, I will go to livejournal, where it's much easier to stalk and be stalked and you get a great deal more illustrative freedom. The current project is to get a big Cobra logo permanently stuck to the top of the page. Like this one.

Of course, I have this [] much experience with HTML and all that other BS that I missed out on by jumping on the blog train so late. So any help would be appreciated.