Friday, July 27, 2007

Phase II

Our secret factories are nearing completion of the new face of the Terrordrome. Check back.

Thursday, July 05, 2007


Ok, I finally got fed up with the many pools of disease-spreading still water beginning to collect on my blog.

Partly for that reason I opted to bring on board a new special operative to take care of horrible poisonous waste, i.e. domestic politics--please welcome Cesspool, who updates his blog far more frequently than I've been of late. Anybody who gets alternately slammed as a communist subversive and a libertarian survivalist nut job has to be getting SOMETHING right.

Furthermore, there's a spiffy new blog set up by Zandar as a forum for all things pro-wrestling-related: TheyNeedToGoForADisqualification as yet has no cute name under my link list because I haven't thought of one yet, but you can get through it here and bookmark the sh*t out of it or get to it through Zandar's page.
Also awaiting a badass COBRA name is which is...well...the latest genetic freak mutation creation of Dr. Mindbender's, though several Guardsmen are contributors. Mindbender describes it thusly: "It is designed to introduce people who like X and Y to the Z they haven't heard of yet." Thus far in its young life it has dealt mostly with music, but the idea is to expand it to other forms of art and pretty much anything at all.

ShowUsYourSmile has a new post, the beginning of a story concerning the origins of Coyote Smith. It joins a 3-part Kaede adventure I'm pretty happy with, and a short Dan Smith ficlet. I have grand plans for that page, especially when I don't have to spend 8 hours a day in this friggin' office!

Good segue. So July 23rd marks the final day of office hours I have to put in for my job mudslinging. After that I still get a pretty decent stipend to be on retainer to telecommute twice a year to correct incoming voter registration data. Sweet deal, I sez.

Pretty much nobody who reads this will be unaware of why I'm leaving my job, but just in case I've missed someone, I'm going to be hitting up grad school in the fall at Mercyhurst College in frigid Erie, PA. Studying what? It's a secret, f*ckers.

So it'll be pretty neat having 5 weeks or so without need of an alarm clock. One of the things I hope to be able to do is shift the theme of this URL into a foreign policy/international news blog. After all, we here at COBRA are in the business of taking over the world, right? Best to know what we're getting into. Though I don't expect I'll be able to keep nintendo and whore stories (prostitales) out of the subject matter.

Ok. Back to going through the motions...