Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Jacksons are reuniting...they're going on tour

I been slacking. Whoops.

So I was kinda pissed I missed E6. I've been listening to a lot of Senor Smoke in the background lately, and a lot of the songs are really growing on me. I still gotta go with Fire for most indispensable, though, for reasons relating to what I'm about to say.

On thursday, when I still thought I was going to the show, I went on E6's website to fuel my excitement. It's a decent site, and in addition to merch and tour dates and the like, they have links to a myspace page and a blog. I looked at them a little, and suddenly I felt my enthusiasm for the show start to wane ever, ever so slightly. I quickly closed the site and focused on something else, and I was fine.

I later realized why: Because on Fire, Dick Valentine and his cronies entered my brain and put on such a show of virile skullf*ckery and hardcore hilarity that I built them all up to be these totally insane demigods who act that way not only in the studio and on stage, but in the grocery store, at home, on the phone, on the street, wherever. They always want to take you to a gay bar, spend all your money, start a nuclear war on the dance floor, reach into the fires of your heart, and comment on the impropriety of the dancing that may or may not be occurring in a public thoroughfare.

So when I read about them having lives that bear some similarity with what you and I consider to be "normal", I feel that magical illusion start to fade a little bit. So I never want to read about what they're up to ever again or know whether or not the names on the album are their real ones or not. I just want to listen to their albums and go to shows like the one at the North Star, where they were utterly outrageous, just as I'd always envisioned them.

Senor Smoke has its moments as well, but I can't stand to listen to tracks like "Monty's Grill" or whatever it's called because Dick Valentine doesn't talk like that in my mind. And while "Rock and Roll Evacuation" is a rocking, rocking tune, the socio-political commentary seems very, very out of character. Jarring. But I love you, Electric Six. "Devil Nights" is my current favorite tune of all. Keep it up, but don't venture out of your pantheon. Oh, and your cover of "Radio Ga Ga" made me appreciate the original way more.

I'm toying with the idea of having COBRA t-shirts made with everyone's name on the back, jersey-style. Probably red-on-black. Chip in your sizes in case it ever happens.

Early Warning: Stereo Agency playing at the Old Brewery Tavern, Bethlehem, March 3 @ 9 PM. I want to see more people there than last time. Don't forget, Mingler will be there playing cool video shit on the wall behind us. It will be sweet. Cheap drinks! Low door charge! ($2 I think)


Blogger d said...

thank god you finally gave advance warning for your next show. perhaps this means i will be able to make it to the lovely city of ... um ... sweet nectar beer and slightly insane spooks. :)

8:40 PM  
Blogger Adam McGrath said...

No matter how early the heads up, I don't think the commute from Chicago to Bethlehem could be financially justified, though I'm sure it would be musically. What's the word on a mid-west tour this summer? I feel like the worst E8-er ever for not seeing your skills in action.

1:03 PM  
Blogger Paul Tsikitas said...

Danno. So you know, DIck Valentine's real name is Todd. He's a normal guy. But one would have to ask. Would it make someone more brilliant if they were utterly insane all the time or if they were Todd who goes to the grocery store and lives in a crappy apartment and then writes lyrics like
"Rolling up into the club
Just to drop the devil mixes
Branding all the young girls,
With triple sixes."? I think I'd say the world is better off with them being squares like us (well, maybe not you) who know how to have a helluva time and rock your urethra until it bleeds red wine.

That and the show was great. You were missed. And you can't say I didn't try.

2:02 PM  
Blogger Face of Spades said...

I will never say you didn't try, my dear boy. It is a credit to your intuition and effort that got us that close in the first place.

But to answer you, no, I don't think they are any less unbelievable songwriters, musicians, and performers for their true's not the music itself but the idea they represent which is based in mystery and illusion, smoke-filled rooms and ether binges. Sometimes it feels better to believe in Santa Claus.

5:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Radio Ga-Ga is a fucking great song.

10:19 AM  
Blogger d said...

you just want to be an insanely brilliant madman, and are looking for a model for yourself. perhaps you should just stick with being an original.

9:56 PM  
Blogger leo said...


So, it's funny, Stevner and I were having this exact discussion last week... and Stev said the same thing you did, and Ketner, in a rare turn as the voice of reason, made a very good point: how could Dick Valentine exist in this world if he was like that full-time? Wouldn't he go crazy in a Van Gogh-esque rage, unable to handle how normal everyone else's life was, and implode? I'd like to think so. Maybe that does mean that he's not the weirdo of your dreams, but such is life. It's harsh to see truths, but I'd think you, of an information gatehring background, would always liek to know the truth. As Tim Deery said when he saw the actor who played Peter (the chubby kid) in the Cosby show swearing and fixing a keg tap, "it's like watching Kermit the Frog get a blow job."


5:29 AM  

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