Friday, February 03, 2006

[Downer Alert]

I recently heard something that depressed me. No need to go into specifics, but the gist of it was that a person I consider to be a stand-up fellow and good friend declared, to no one in particular, that if a person held a certain set of political views, they wouldn't be able to be friends.

I get angry because I associate and spend time with people every day whom I would clash viciously with in a debate setting. I mean, fer chrissake, if I bestowed friend status on only those who shared my socio-political views, I'd have very few friends. I don't give a shit what you believe. If you carry yourself as a decent human being, have a good sense of humor, are fun to hang out with, et cetera, you and I will be gravy. And it's funny that the comment which depressed me so issued forth from the part of the socio-political spectrum which claims to espouse open-mindedness, progressive thought, and tolerance. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the irony.

Maybe the day will come when I become so curmudgeonly that I only surround myself with like-minded assholes. It's sad to see that happen to someone so young.


Blogger Paul Tsikitas said...

That's no good...

11:53 AM  

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