Tuesday, December 13, 2005

So Many People You Need To Thank

Firstly, let's give out Sunday awards. First goes to the Pittsburgh Steelers for convincingly beating a good team. Tie for second goes to Kansas City and San Diego, who lost games they probably shouldn't have. Honorable mention goes out to the staff and management of Starter's Pub, who actually allowed us to give the cooks a link of polish sausage to incorporate into our Roethlisburgers (an item that we forced onto the menu). God bless 'em.

Secondly, a couple of monday awards. Jeremy McKenna wins first for wearing a friggin' elf costume into a popular Bethlehem bar, for no reason other than 1) 'tis the season, and 2) to see if he could lure an unsuspecting stranger into making fun of him. Second place, narrowly, goes to Barry, who unquestionably won the Best Fag Ever award. The Steelgaarden bar backs will be plugging their butts with land mines for a month. Let's also regret the senselessness of the execution of Tookie Williams, who, despite gunning down four helpless people in cold blood, deserved clemency because of the positive mark left on the world by the several children's books he wrote from prison, not to mention the founding of one of the most violent and drug-involved gangs in the country.

Stereo Agency plays this Saturday at the Funhouse, 10:30-2. Christmas Show! Not to be missed, even more so than usual. Mindbender and Bludd are already on the guest list, y'all best get on the trolley!

So it looks like myself and Destro are going to be infiltrating some serious Manhattan Plastic People High Life Bash, and I'm going to have to make a wardrobe decision: dress to impress or dark and mysterious?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh. TOTALLY. dark and mysterious.

5:26 PM  

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